Being appointed Captain of GB GR&P team is a highly sought after and prestigious position. However, it is also a demanding and varied role, as you need the skills to lead, inspire and manage the team and the drive and determination to win the events.
It is likely (but not essential) that you will have been in the squad at some point. However, the qualifying criteria for Captain includes (as per all the squad) mandated NRA membership. This is because, apart from the leadership role, you will also be the ambassador for GB, the NRA and GR&P shooting in general. If fact, one of the key roles is to ensure that you and your team conducts itself in a manner that is becoming of an International Squad.
Captains are technically appointed annually by the NRA, on the recommendation of the Discipline Head. However, in line with the natural cycle of international events - especially the 2-year cycle of the IGRF and WA1500 World Cups - a Captain would normally be offered a 2 year tenure. This allows for a year to establish and build a cohesive Team and a year to provide a substantial challenge for the World Cup events.
The process to actually appoint a Captain is laid out in the NRA's "Procedures & Rules for the appointment of Great Britain and NRA Team Captains". Annex D is the process for GR&P...
The respective team Captain are selected for a calendar year (Jan to Dec) rather than for a specific tour or match. Appointments have traditionally lasted for 2 years, subject to annual re-endorsement by the NRA Council.
Nominations for the following calendar year are sought via the Summer NRA Journal with a cut-off date of Aug in the current year. Nominations will then follow the process laid out in “Procedure & Rules for the Appointment of Great Britain and NRA Team Captains”. Critically, all nominees must be full members of the NRA and be supported by 3 other full NRA members, using the prescribed form (available from the NRA Secretary).
Nominations are evaluated by the NRA Council in September and acceptable nominations are passed back to the GR&P Discipline Representative for consideration in October.
On receipt of nominations from the Secretary, the GR&P Working Party will decide, by consensus or by a majority vote, which candidate to recommend back to Council. Each member of the Working Party will have one vote; in the event of a tie the Discipline Representative will have a casting vote.
The preferred nomination is then passed back to NRA council for endorsement and appointment. The announcement of the selected Captain for the upcoming year’s tours should be made in the Winter NRA Journal.