There are currently approx 20 shooters on the GB Gallery Rifle squad. The Handgun squad is smaller; circa 10 shooters. The make-up of the squads is reviewed on an annual basis. There are also a number of support positions that undertake logistical, IT and funding roles in direct support of the teams. Finally, each team has a formally appointed Adjutant.
To be considered for one of the shooting squads requires you to demonstrate three key personal characteristics :
Capability The ability to achieve the high scores required in International shooting
Consistency A track record that demonstrates repeatable high performance in comps
Commitment The willingness to support the Team at home and abroad
In reality, this means that you :-
Gallery Rifle - Must be in the rankings top 10 for one of the main disciplines (for GR, that is 1500 SB or CF) and preferably top 20 for the second one.
Handgun - this will likely mean you have a good track record and high rankings in LBR and / or CF handgun 1500 and associated WA1500 matches. You must be shooting iron sights and with an extension rod that is not used for support.
Must act as an ambassador for Great Britain, Gallery Rifle and the NRA.
Must act as a GR&P/ shooting role model, thereby encouraging others into the sport and giving them something to aspire to.
Must be prepared to travel to at least one of the International shoots outside of GB.
Must be prepared to come to training sessions at Bisley or relevant clubs.
Must be supportive of fund raising activities.
Must contribute to the overall team spirit and the success of the team.
High place rankings can be achieved through the annual GR&P competition circuit in GB, such as the four NRA events at Bisley (SAW, Phoenix, Nationals and AAW), plus the wider club competitions, such as Basildon, Derby, Frome, SLG Bisley, the Welsh Open, Scottish Open and JSPC events. Typically, you should seek to submit at least four to six qualifying scores in a season. In addition, you may demonstrate qualifying scores in events outside of GB, where it's revelant.
The process typically follows these steps :-
Shooting Squad qualification requirements to be published in each Summer Journal to encourage aspirations.
Rolling National Ranking Tables are maintained, incorporating the results from all formally recognised GR competitions; Adjutant collates performance data from these Tables and the previous year’s International competitions.
Captain and Vice-Captain review capability, consistency and commitment, then propose Shooting Squad.
Proposed Shooting Squad reviewed by GB GR Team Committee and final list prepared.
Captain contacts each potential Shooting Squad member to outline requirements, confirm commitment and offer place in Shooting Squad where appropriate.
All sucessful Shooting Squad members complete GDPR forms & Adjutant / secretary updates Contact Details.